Edupanda » Strength of materials » Torsion » Statically Indeterminate
List of examples
Example 1

A rod with variable diameter d and 2d is fixed at both ends and subjected to moments \(M_0\) and \(3M_0\) as shown in the diagram below. Plot the bending moment diagram, plot the maximum shear stress diagram \(\tau_{max}\), and calculate the angle of section C rotation \(\varphi_C\). Given numerical data: l=1m, d=5cm, \(I_0=1000 cm^4\), G=80 GPa
Example 2

What stresses will occur in the double-ended supported and loaded stepped shaft AB as shown in the figure? Data: G = 60 GPa, dw = 4 cm, dz = 8 cm, d = 7 cm.
Example 3

Measure the diameter of the rod twisted by a torque of 30 kNm, if the torsional strength is \(k_s=70 MPa.\) Calculate the stresses that will occur in this rod, draw a diagram of the torsional moments and the angle of twist. Data: G = 80 GPa.
Example 4

Measure the diameter of the rod twisted by a torque of 20 kNm, if the torsional strength is ks = 70 MPa. Calculate the stresses that will arise in this rod, draw a graph of torsional moments and angle of twisting. Data: E = 215 GPa, \(\nu =0.3\)
Example 5

Calculate the stresses that will occur in this rod, draw a graph of twisting moments and angle of twist. Data: D = 25 cm, d = 20 cm, G = 80 GPa.
Example 6

Measure the diameter of the rod being twisted by a torque of 40 kNm, if the torsional strength is ks = 70 MPa. Calculate the stresses that will occur in this rod, draw a graph of torsional moments, shear stresses, and angle of twist. Data: G = 80 GPa.
Example 7

Calculate the maximum angle of rotation of the rod shown in the drawing. Data: D = 10 cm, d = 5 cm, G = 80 GPa.
Example 8

What is the maximum bending moment M that can be applied to a shaft with diameters dz = 8 cm, dw = 4 cm, d = 6 cm, if permissible stresses are 120 MPa? G = 50 GPa.
Example 9

What is the maximum torque M that can be applied to a shaft with diameters dz = 8 cm, dw = 4 cm, d = 6 cm, if the permissible stresses are 120 MPa? G = 50 GPa.