Edupanda » Strength of materials » Bending » Simple Bending
List of examples
Example 1

Solve the beam and measure the cross-section of the rod, \( k_g = 160 MPa \).
Example 2

Solve the beam and dimension the bar section, \( k_c = 160 MPa, k_r = 120 MPa \).
Example 3

Calculate the normal stresses in the beam loaded as shown in the diagram.
Example 4

Calculate the normal stresses in the beam loaded as shown in the diagram.
Example 5

Solve the beam and dimension the cross-section of the bar. Kg = 200 MPa.
Example 6

Solve the beam and dimension the rod cross-section. Kr=Kc= 180 MPa.
Example 7

Solve the beam and dimension the cross-section of the rod. Kg = 160 MPa
Example 8

Calculate a from the safety condition, if σr=120MPa, σc=160MPa.
Example 9

Solve the beam and measure the cross-section of the rod. Kg = 180 MPa.
Example 10

Solve the frame and dimension the cross-section of the rod. Kg= 160 MPa
Example 11

Solve the beam and draw a graph of normal stresses.
Example 13

Solve the beam and measure the cross-section of the rod. Data: \(k_r=120 MPa, k_c=80 MPa\)