Edupanda » Numerical Methods » FDM » Beams
List of examples
Example 1

For the analysis of a beam with a length of $ L = 5 \ mathrm {~ m} $, stiffness $ E J = 40,000 \ mathrm {kNm} ^ {2} $ and a homogeneous load $ p = 12 \ mathrm {kN} / \ mathrm {m} $ the Finite Difference Method has been applied. The distance between $$ \ mathbf {v} = \ left [\ begin {array} {r} 0.0012375 \\ 0.0 \\ 0.0012375 \\ 0.0036 \\ 0.0060375 \\ 0.0078 \\ 0.0084375 \\ 0.0078 \\ 0.0060375 \ end {array} \ right] \ mathrm {m} $$ Using the appropriate differential formula, calculate the value of the bending moment $ M $ at the node where $ x = 2 \ mathrm {~ m} $?