Edupanda » Mechanika techniczna » Statics - Planar force system » Equilibrium of planar convergent systems of forces
List of examples
Example 1

Find the reaction values at the support points and the inclination angle of reaction A with respect to the vertical \(\varphi\). Data: a, G, l.
Example 2

Define the internal forces in the system as shown in the diagram. Given: \( G=100 N, \alpha=30^{\circ}, \beta=60^{\circ} \)
Example 3

To determine the force of the ball's pressure on the ground. Data: \(G=60N, \alpha=30^{\circ}, \beta=60^{\circ}\)
Example 4

Calculate the forces \(N_1\) and \(N_2\). Data: \(\alpha=15^{\circ}, \beta=30^{\circ}\).