Edupanda » Mechanika budowli » Method of forces » Frames - mechanical loads
List of examples
Example 2

Calculate using the method of forces and draw a graph of final bending moments, shearing forces, and normal forces. Perform a static check.
Example 4

Calculate using the force method and draw the final bending moment diagram. Perform a kinematic verification.
Example 5

Draw the final internal force diagrams.
Consider only the influence of bending moments.
Perform a kinematic check.
Example 6

Draw the final internal force diagrams.
Consider only the influence of bending moments.
Example 8

Calculate hyperstatic reactions, then calculate the remaining reactions using the superposition principle. Perform a global static check. Then calculate and draw the final diagrams for M,Q,N.
Example 9

Calculate hyperstatic reactions, then calculate the remaining reactions using the superposition formula. Perform a static check (global). Then calculate and draw the final charts for M, Q, N.
Example 10

Calculate hyperstatic reactions using the force method. Then calculate the remaining reactions using static equilibrium equations. Describe the functions and draw the internal force diagrams (M, Q, N).